Their Excellencies Vatavia

Robert the Scott & Heidi Anne Draper

Robert the Scott & Heidi Anne Draper

Baron & Baroness

The Baron and Baroness are the representatives of the King and Queen and speak in the Crown’s voice in Their absence. They oversee the operation of the Barony as a whole and represent the Barony to the Kingdom. They also serve as advisors to the Crown at the Crown’s request. They have the right to bestow awards upon members of the Populace for their achievements or service. Contact at &

Officers of Vatavia

Brynki Falkason

Brynki Falkason


The Seneschal is the Officer in charge of making sure all SCA, Inc. regulations are met and helps other officers in their duties. They also regularly update the Kingdom Seneschal about the group's status. Feel free to email them at with any questions or concerns!

Øyríkr Raðúlfsson (Yurick)

Øyríkr Raðúlfsson (Yurick)

Knight Marshal

The Knight Marshal is in charge of ensuring that all combat is conducted safely at all of our local practices and events. The Knight Marshal also helps new people or existing members interested in any forms of SCA combat get started. Contact at

Brynki Falkason

Brynki Falkason


The webminister is the officer in charge maintaining the Vatavian website. Contact at

Aia Gold-Bearer

Aia Gold-Bearer


The Chatelaine is the Officer in charge of helping new people get started. They answers questions, and assists as necessary. They also maintain a supply of garb which may be loaned to newer members. Contact at

Astriðr Birnudóttir (Astrid)

Astriðr Birnudóttir (Astrid)

Minister of Arts and Sciences

This officer organizes and supervises competitions, displays and learning seminars. They can also tell you who may be able to help you learn a specific art or craft. Contact at

Valeriano Di Rossi

Valeriano Di Rossi


The Herald has many duties. The Herald offers assistance to folks wishing to select a persona name and a coat of arms, and makes sure that your name and coat of arms are different from everyone else’s. The Herald also organizes business for Court and speaks for the Crown or Coronet. Finally, the Herald is in charge of making announcements. Contact at

Alicia Niel

Alicia Niel


The Exchequer handles is the officer in charge of the Baronies finances. They maintain the bank account and track the expenses of the group. Contact at

Malichi Mac Kenzie O Corrigan (Corrigan)

Malichi Mac Kenzie O Corrigan (Corrigan)


Vatavia has a monthly newsletter, called the Dragonflyre, which is distributed every three months. The Chronicler edits this publication, and is constantly looking for new writers and artists. Contact at

Marie Chantal Delaire

Marie Chantal Delaire

Demo Coordinator

This office liaisons and handles external requests for demonstrations/presentations received from other community organizations, schools and interest groups. The presentation may be organized by either the officer or another member of the group. The officer corps is responsible for organizing the local Renaissance Festivals. When asked or when a request cannot be accommodated resources may be provided or other group contacts offered. Contact at

Currently Vacant

Currently Vacant

Minister of Youth

The minister of youth is the officer in charge of coordinating and helping with activities for the youth of Vatavia. If interested in filling this position, please email the Baron, Baroness and the Seneschal to apply.

Currently Vacant

Currently Vacant

Cut & Thrust Marshal

The Cut & Thrust marshal is the officer in charge of running and the Cut & Thrust practices and fostering the skills of Vatavia. If interested in filling this position, please email the Baron, Baroness and the Seneschal to apply.

Donald Andrew MacDonald

Donald Andrew MacDonald

Archer Marshal

The Archer marshal is the officer in charge of running and the Archery practices and fostering the skills of Vatavia. Contact at

Thomas Bacon

Thomas Bacon


This officer collects and compiles materials relating to the history of the Barony of Vatavia, and composes a chronicle of this history to be available to the populace of Vatavia.

Ulfr Halfdan

Ulfr Halfdan

Property Minister

This officer is in charge of maintaining and tracking the Baronial property.

William Douglas

William Douglas

Social Media Officer

This officer is in charge of maintaining the Barony of Vatavia's social media presence. Contact at